Ehud - translation to french
Online Dictionary

Ehud - translation to french

Ehudh; Ehud ben Gera; Ahoth; Ehud ben‑Gera
  • Eglon]]; from [[Rudolf von Ems]]' ''Weltchronik'', late 14th century

n. Ehud, male first name (Hebrew); Ehud Barak (born 1942), Israeli politician, prime minister of Israel from 1999 to 2001
Ehud Olmert         
Ehud Olmert (born 1945) Israeli politician, 12th prime Minister of Israel, who became Prime Minister on April 2006, former mayor of Jerusalem
Olmert, family name; Ehud Olmert, (born 1945) Israeli politician, mayor of Jerusalem from 1993



Ehud ben‑Gera (Hebrew: אֵהוּד בֶּן־גֵּרָא, Tiberian ʾĒhūḏ ben‑Gērāʾ) is described in the biblical Book of Judges chapter 3 as a judge who was sent by God to deliver the Israelites from Moabite domination. He is described as being left-handed and a member of the Tribe of Benjamin.

Pronunciation examples for Ehud
1. His name is Ehud,
2. And then, as predicted, Ehud dies.
3. And so also for patients like Ehud
4. And so Ehud goes into his second treatment.
5. Well, Ehud is now going into his first treatment,
Examples of use of Ehud
1. Le ministre des Finances Ehud Olmert, un proche de M.
2. Le monarque jordanien doit rencontrer le Premier ministre israélien Ehud Olmert jeudi ŕ Amman.
3. Ehud Olmert était actuellement ministre du Commerce et de l‘Industrie ainsi que vice–Premier ministre.
4. " Que personne nen doute : jai lintention dappliquer ce plan ", assure Ehud Olmert dans un entretien au Yediot Ahronot.
5. Avec sa pertinence habituelle, M.Sanbar semploie ainsi ŕ décortiquer cette nouvelle stratégie du Premier ministre israélien actuel, Ehud Olmert.